Fire protection for single machines and for plants

Sparks, smouldering and hot particles in a production plant can cause fires or explosions. Even small fire events lead at least to loss of production.

Fire prevention protects.
Your staff, your machines, your ongoing production – and the existence of your company.

The best protection is prevention.

Effective fire prevention does not come “off the shelf”, but fulfils the specific requirements of the respective process or plant area.

We attach importance to holistic protection for the best possible safety. Tailored to your production and certified.

This is fire protection – made in Germany.

That’s why you’re in good hands with T&B – from enquiry to service.


In pneumatic transport systems and mechanical conveyor systems in which flammable materials are transported, flying sparks repeatedly cause fires and filter explosions. Our VdS-certified spark extinguishing system automatically detects and extinguishes sparks during the conveying process. This prevents sparks from reaching the filter in the first place, where they could trigger explosions and fires.

Machining centres for machining metals using flammable cooling lubricants (coolants) pose a significant fire hazard in production areas – especially when machining light metals.

Where paper, waste and fuels are stored in closed bunkers and open spaces, infrared systems are used for the early detection of ignition potential and of developing fires.

“The fact that there has not been a fire in an industrial plant for decades does not prove there is no fire hazard, it only shows that the operators have been lucky – and this luck may run out at any time.”

This is cited from a court ruling by the OVG Lüneburg dated 23 September 1976.


Schneller Service zeichnet uns aus.

After commissioning, we are still there for you with our comprehensive service.

  • Emergency management with 24/7 emergency hotline
  • Supervising on site
  • Maintenance contracts
  • Certified service technicians on site

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